As a digital advertising platform, header bidding has been a game-changer. Now, it's time for the evolution of header bidding. CPM rates are the highest performing ad units in your ad stack. By 2022, we'll have bid and sold more than $1 trillion in CPM.

Your browser does not support the video format. This is the intro text to the video. The direction here is to continue on with the theme of CPM bids and direction. The goal is to see what the effect of header bidding has had on CPM rates.
Over the last few years, header bidding has been the game-changer for digital advertising. Now, it’s time for the next evolution: header bidding with real-time bidding (RTB). CPM rates are the best performing ad units in your ad stack. By 2022, we’ll have bid and sold more than $1 trillion in CPM.
A header bidding model is a way to monetize more inventory without raising prices. The header is the first piece of information that arrives at the edge, and it holds clues as to what the page is like: is it a news page, a video page, a sports page, a product page, and so forth.
Header bidding has been a game changer for digital advertising.
The ad unit that can win you the most money on your account.