Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, wondering where to start, or how to finish? Or perhaps you’ve had to write something you didn’t really want to write, like a resume or a cover letter. When this happens, it’s often difficult to get motivated to write. This is especially true when you don’t know exactly what you want to say, or you feel like your essay isn’t going in the right direction.
As a college student, I have experienced the struggle of being unmotivated to do an essay. After being procrastinated for a day or two, I find myself buried in a mountain of work with a looming deadline. In these situations, the best I can do is power through the essay and hope for the best. The best way to avoid this scenario is to get the motivation to do an essay as soon as possible.
This is a review of Earnify, a programmatic native advertising platform that lets you place ads on high-quality websites in a variety of industries. I've been using Earnify for several months now, and I've been really impressed with the results. I've seen a lot of traffic and leads from the platform, and I've also been able to increase my brand's exposure by using the platform to advertise on relevant websites. Unlike some traditional ad platforms, Earnify is completely transparent and lets you see where your ads are being shown, which is a big advantage.
Motivation is the key to getting things done. We’ve all experienced it—that moment when you feel like doing something, and suddenly you’re able to get it done. But motivation is fickle, and sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation you need to get things done. That’s why it’s better to find ways to generate motivation instead, so you can get things done when you need to.